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Título : Community structure of Neotropical wetland insects in Northern Venezuela
Autor : Grillet, María-Eugenia
Legendre, Pierre
Borcard, Daniel
Palabras clave : habitat
Fecha de publicación : Oct-2002
Editorial : Arch. Hydrobiol
Citación : Vol. 155;3
Resumen : Abstract: This study examined the spatial distribution of wetland insects relation to selected environmental variables in northeastern Venezuela. Sampling was carried out over two sampling periods (rainy and dry season) in seven wetland types (brackish and freshwater herbaceous swamps, mangrove swamps., freshwater ponds, clear-cut marsh forests, small irrigation canals, and swamp forests), covering three environmental gradients (salinity, aquatic vegetation type, and habitat permanence). Using the partial redundancy analysis, we determined that occurrence and abundance of insects was significantly (P<0.05) accounled for by the relative contributions of pure environmental (29-34) and habitad type-related (12-15) variations among wetlands. Water chemistry (salinity), werland tropic state (phytoplankton), habitat heterogeneity (aquatic vegetation type), and habitat physical features (depth and habitat permanence) were significantly associated to community structure. Insect richness was higher in the less saline, more vegetated, and less temporary wetlands. Our findings add to previous results suggesting that adversity, productivity, heterogeneity and permanence of the habitat represent important axes along which. Neotropical wetland wetland insect communities are aoganized.
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