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Título : Study of the fundamental plasma parameters by HG ICP-OES with a dual hydride generation system
Autor : Carrión, Nereida
Murillo, Miguel
Rodríguez, Héctor
Chirinos, José
Díaz, Dorfe
Palabras clave : Inductively coupled plasma
Hydride generation
Dual generator
Plasma diagnostic
Fecha de publicación : 9-Feb-2017
Resumen : The effect of hydrogen from hydrides generation in a radially-viewed inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy with a dual hydride-generator system on plasma excitation characteristic was studied. The effects of the acid concentration and reductant solution flow rate on the fundamental parameters were evaluated. Results showed an improvement on the plasma excitation conditions compared to standard nebulization. The excitation temperature, the electron number density and the ionic-to-atomic lines Mg(II)/Mg(I) ratio increased significantly when the system was operated in the dual mode, even at very low reductant flow. These parameters increased in magnitude when increased reductant flow rate and acid concentration
ISSN : 1856-5301
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Publicados

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Avances en Química, 6 (3), 61-68 (2011).pdf328.64 kBAdobe PDFVisualizar/Abrir

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