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Título : CO2 reforming of CH4 over CoeLa-based perovskite-type catalyst precursors
Autor : Goldwasser, Mireya
Valderrama, Gustavo
Urbina, Caribay
Palabras clave : Dry reforming
Perovskite-type oxide
Auto combustion method
Co0 nano-particles
Fecha de publicación : 31-Oct-2012
Resumen : A series of perovskite-type oxides based on LaeSreCo (La1 xSrxCoO3) were synthesized by the auto combustion method and used as precursors for the catalytic methane dry reforming (MDR) at 1073 K, atmospheric pressure under continuous flow of reactant gases with a CH4:CO2 ¼1:1 ratio. Catalysts were characterized by techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), BET specific surface area, temperature- programmed reduction-oxidation (TPReTPO) and scanning-transmission electron microscopy (SEM eTEM). Formation of LaeSreCoeO solid solutions was confirmed by the more intense diffraction peaks and cell parameter measurements. It was observed that the activation/reduction process occurs through intermediary species producing Co0 nano-size particles over the SrO and La2O3 phases, which are highly dispersed in the La2O2CO3eSrO solid matrix responsible for the high activity and low carbon formation despite the severe reaction conditions used. The presence of Sr in doping quantities slightly promotes secondary reactions such as carbon formation and wateregas shift retarding partially the dry reforming reaction.
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Journal of Power Sources 234 (2013) 31-37.pdf1.19 MBAdobe PDFVisualizar/Abrir

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