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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
4-Oct-2014COMPARACIÓN DE DOS PROTOCOLOS DE EXTRACCIÓN DE ADN DE Trypanosoma cruzi CULTIVADOS EN MEDIO AXÉNICOLopez, Mariela; Rivera, Maria Gabriela; Viettri, Mercedes; Morocoima, Antonio; Herrera, Leidi; Ferrer, Elizabeth
7-Aug-2012Trypanosoma cruzi: experimental parasitism in the central nervous system of albino miceMorocoima, Antonio; Grace, Socorro; Regulo, Avila; Hernandez, Ana; Herrera, Leidi; merchan, Solangel; Ortiz, Diana; Primavera, Gabriela; Chique, Jose; Urdaneta-Morales, Servio
1-Aug-2012Trypanosoma cruzi III from armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus novemcinctus) from Northeastern Venezuela and its biological behavior in murine model. Risk of emergency of Chagas’ diseaseMorocoima, Antonio; Carrasco, Hernan; Herrera, Leidi; Boadas, Johanna; Chique, Jose
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